Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 606 Limitations, Bad Breath, and Invitation

Chapter 606 Limitations, Bad Breath, and Invitation

When the Infernal Monarch had his Legacy Weapon constructed before, he made sure to include countless wondrous functions in it, all which served useful purposes for him.

Each functions were unique by itself, and they did not disappoint the Infernal Monarch once they were installed on the Legacy Weapon.

In fact, the functions contained in the Legacy Weapon were so useful, that it served a large role for the Infernal Monarch successfully conquering the four Realms.

All in all, there are 9 functions installed in the Legacy Weapon, with each one serving a different use for the Infernal Monarch.

There are functions meant for offense and defense, while there are functions meant to seal the enemies.

If the Infernal Monarch was just alive, then he could have easily used all of these functions, given his cultivation base.

But for now, those non-Transcendents that are trying to use the Legacy Weapon will be unable to use all these functions.

They have to wait until they reach Transcendence if they want to use it all.


As of now, only 3 functions are available to non-Transcendent users of the Legacy Weapon.

One is the ’Dimensional Moving Function, which is essentially a function that moves the user towards the interior of the Legacy Weapon. Once inside the Legacy Weapon, the user has to wait for a few minutes or hours if he or she wants to come back.

This function is mainly used as an escape and defensive move, as aside from the users, nobody else can enter the Legacy Weapon.

This function is the frequently used function by Alex and Delia, who had used it numerous times already.

Alex had used it thrice, with the third time being his current state. Delia on the other hand, had used it twice, with both cases related to her hiding from enemies.

The ’Dimensional Moving Function’ might seem simple, but its intricate principles on space movement had turned it into a high energy-cost function.

Even if the user is located at a planet or Realm far away from the Legacy Weapon, the ’Dimensional Moving Function’ will still work once activated. The user will still be relocated towards the Legacy Weapon, and no force in the world can stop this from happening.

This forceful relocation power consumes a lot of power, since the user will have to move through a large region of space.

The farther the user to the Legacy Weapon is, the more energy will be consumed.

In Alex’s case, he’s not really sure on how far is the Traveler’s World from the current location of the Legacy Weapon.

But the fact that the energy reserves gets cut by a half with each relocation, shows that the two places must be extremely far away from each other.

With this monstrous energy requirement, it was no wonder that Alex was saddened after he used the function...

The 2nd and 3rd available functions from the Legacy Weapon were functions that Alex and Delia had not used yet before, and they doubt they will use it for the time being.

But these 2 functions were just as miraculous as the ’Dimensional Moving Function’, although their energy consumptions were just as bad.


"Queen Mother and Professor Frances, once 10 minutes passes by, I will deactivate the Dimensional Moving Function already. Once I do that, I will contact Alina once more to make her open a portal for us." With their bodies now safely snuggled inside the bungalow, Alex was able to regain his calmness. "But there is a chance that the killer is waiting for us when we go back, so always stay vigilant..."

"...Okay, okay. I think we shall do that, since that’s easy to do." Beside Alex, the thin and lanky Professor Frances nodded her head, which showed her agreement with Alex’s advice. "But don’t expect our return to be easy. If that invisible killer is a patient one, then we could be in danger once we return..."

"As long as we get back to our base, I am fine with what you say Alex." Queen Mother added, although there was no sense of relief on her voice. Queen Mother still appeared to be pissed and angry, which was the only expression that she had for the past few days. "So, how much longer should we stay here? The longer we stay, the more that we consume from the energy reserves...."

"Um, we should wait for at least 30 minutes, give or take. I think that with that time, the killer would have left the Roaming Inn already..." Alex tried his best to ignore Queen Mother’s sullen behavior while giving his reply. "After all, I can sense that the killer is an impatient type. It could actually be hunting for the other Returners as we speak..."

"Hmph, you better make sure that your words are right, Alex. Because the presence of an invisible killer lurking on us is something that I do not tolerate..." Like a cat irritated at its owner, Professor Frances glowered at Alex when she stared at him. "Wait, how did you even detect the killer anway? And why can’t we detect it?"

"Um, it’s my Conqueror’s Aura that did the work. Just accept that as my reason." Alex abruptly answered. He then suddenly averted his head away from the two women, as if he was trying to avoid them. "Haaa... I was exhausted from my fight with the Grandmaster earlier, so I will have to sleep for now. Night, night guys."

"Wait, you’re sleeping right now, Alex? Shouldn’t you-"

"Professor Frances, just wake me up when the 30-minute time limit is up. I will bring us back during that time, so don’t worry about me. Just let me rest, please." As if to emphasize his point, Alex let out a loud yawn from his mouth. "Hear that yawn? That’s the yawn of a tired person. A tired person, who is about to fall asleep instantly right now."

"...Ha? Alex, you’re just-"

"Snore... snore... snore..." Alex had indeed fallen asleep instantly, with his eyes now closed in peace, and his body lying down on the floor. There was no indication that he was awake, as his melodious breathing, slow pulse, and loud snores all show that Alex is experiencing a comfortable sleep at his point.

In fact, his sleep appeared to be so comfortable, that he was not woken up even when the professor began kicking him.

"Ah, Alex! Why are you sleeping now? You’re still not explaining about the killer!"

"Snore... snore... snore..."

"Argh! You just need to spend a few minutes to explain everything to us, and you still chose to sleep? What’s the meaning of this? Are you planning to just explain the truth once we’re back at the Celestial Carp Continent? Cut the crap, Alex! I want to hear it now!"

"Snore... snore... snore..."




[Alina]: Delia, did you feel that?

[Delia]: Feel what?

[Alina]: Something corruptive.... Seemed to have materialized at the direction of the Roaming Inn. I’m not really sure on what this thing is, but both of my eyes are tingling, which is a great warning sign for me.

[Delia]: You said that a corruptive object suddenly appeared? Eh... so that must be the reason why I keep tasting bad air today. I’m actually tasting the essence of corruption.

[Alina]: Maybe its just your bad breath that you’re smelling, Delia. With that sensitive tongue of yours, any bad hygiene of yours is enough to leave you with a bad taste.

[Delia]: Ha? Bad breath? Pfft, fyi, it could have been your breath that smells bad! After all, you’re the only glutton here! Hmph, with the amount of the food that you ate, all the burps you have from them must have combined to give you a bad breath! Tsk, I guess I should distance myself away from you first!

[Alina]: You punk! You dare call my food as a burden? You will pay for that!

[Delia]: Oh really? And how do you will exactly make me pay? Will you make me yield?

[Alina]: OI oi oi, you look like you want a fight. If that’s what you want, then come here and get some!

[Delia]: Oh, I will be really coming there to get some....

Although Alina and Delia promised Alex that they will not antagonize each other, both the two women still harped barbed words between each other.

Each of their insults were specially made to piss one another, and they did not look like they will stop.

Even when they had already detected a possible danger from miles away, the two women did not pause from arguing.

[Alina]: Hmph, if you want to attack, then come here now!

[Delia]: Tsk, if it weren’t for this stupid oath, I could have beaten you up already, Alina!

[Alina]: Well, it’s too bad I am not allowed to ruin that b***hy face of yours. But just you wait, Delia. There will come a day that my fists will break your cheeks!

[Delia]: Heh, let’s see if you can do that, Black Swordswoman.

[Alina]: D-don’t call me by that name! That’s the worst thing that I have ever heard!

[Delia]: Hehehe, it seems like I got you good there. What’s the problem with Black Swordswoman? It rolls off the tongue quite nicely, you know.

[Alina]: ....

[Delia]: ... Oh, so you won’t speak. Sigh, let’s just fight this out then. Oh right, we can’t do it..."

If it weren’t for the fact that they made an oath to stop fighting each other, the two women could have started fighting already. This is fortunate, as with the latent power contained by Delia and Alina, a fight between them might destroy a lot of places.

[Alina]: Ah you know what, forget about our fight. Let’s just think about Alex’s situation. Do you think he’s okay?

[Delia]: Why are you asking me? Am I his girlfriend?

[Alina]: Of course you’re not his girlfriend, for it was me who captured his heart.

[Delia]: Hah?

[Alina]: Oh, and don’t you ever think of trying to seduce him. Even if you’re pretty, Alex will just dump you like the trash that you were.

[Delia]: ....I might hate you a lot, but I won’t stoop that low to seduce Alex. He’s not my type anyway, so you don’t have to worry.

[Alina]: ...Ok. So back to my question, stupid dunce. Do you think Alex is ok?

[Delia]: Nah, I don’t think he’s ok. I just sensed him using the Key for the Legacy Weapon seconds earlier. You know what that means, right?

[Alina]: Tsk. Alex must have faced a danger so great, that he was forced to use the Key to hide for a while.

[Delia]: Exactly, little girl. Why did you ask that, anyway? Are you planning to help Alex? B***h, I advice you to not do that.

[Alina]: Hah? And who are you exactly to stop me?

[Delia]: Hmph, I am just a leader of this alliance too, so technically speaking, you must follow my commands too. Wait... come to think of it, you did not listen to all of my commands before!

[Alina]: Hmph, why would I listen to a bimbo like you when you’re not stronger than me? Che, if you want to command me around, then make sure you have enough power backing that!

[Delia]: You-

Before the argument between Delia and Alina could escalate again, a sudden mental message intruded their minds, which stopped them from what they were doing.

Just the way that the mental message was delivered was enough to pause the two. As for the message itself, its effect on the two women can only be said as greatly pronounced.

[Alina]: ....

[Delia]: ....


[Delia]: ....

[Alina]: Delia, did you receive the news?

[Delia]: Yes, I received it mentally. And I received it in its full details.

[Alina]: Tsk, so the Crimson God is dead, and now the Grandmaster is also dead? What the hell is happening here?

[Delia]: Hmph, don’t ask that question to me. You should better ask it to Alex.

[Alina]: Ask Alex? Isn’t he inside the Legacy Weapon now? What do you want me to do? Visit him there and ask? Idiot! That will just be wasting the energy reserves there!

[Delia]: Hmph, but at least we will get to know the truth already. Who knows, the reason that Alex had hidden on the Legacy Weapon could be related to the Grandmaster’s death...

[Alina]: Heh, if you’re that confident, then why don’t you go to the Legacy Weapon by yourself? Surely you have enough energy reserves to pull it off..."

[Delia]: ...H-hey, I think your opinion earlier was right. L-let’s just wait for Alex to come back.

[Alina]: Tsk, I hate b***es, but do you know what I hate more? Hypocritical b***hes like you!

[Delia]: Hah? Say that again, I dare you!

[Alina]: Sorry, but I won’t repeat it. Oh, I have to leave now and do something. Bye.

[Delia]: H-hey, who said that you can leave? Did I allow that?

[Alina]: .... The Great TimeMaster is calling for me to meet her at the border of the Celestial Carp Continent. Since it was her calling me, here is no way I can refuse her.

[Delia]: The Great TimeMaster is calling you? Hmph, I call bulls**t! That hag must be planning something!

[Alina]: Hmph, I don’t care what you think, but I will be going now.

[Delia]: Hey!

[Alina]: Don’t worry for me Delia, that is, if you really worry for me. The Great TimeMaster owes a lot from me, and her daughter is currently inside my Storage. With these factors, there’s no way that the Great TimeMaster can harm me as of now.

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