The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 551 - Torment

The two origins knew it. No matter how much they try to deny Jin Rou\'s capabilities, everything still boiled down to they were never a match against him even if they joined hands to fight.

No matter what, they had no choice but to recognize and accept this fact.

Pope Origin was silent. As a prideful origin who stood at the apex of this world, it was hard for him to accept to be a prey since he was used to be the predator hunting preys. But, his pride couldn\'t stay him alive here and he was very much aware of that.

"Alright, let\'s escape then." Pope Origin gritted his teeth and said, "Losing the ancient dragon will make both of our powerhouses bleed, but compared to our lives it\'s still less worthy."

The pope was trying to console himself as he was about to lose something very precious. The Mad Ancient Dragon\'s body contained his origin blood. Furthermore, they got this corpse after fighting bitterly against this dragon.

So many resources and efforts had been spent on this dragon, but now they were about to lose it.

Afterwards, the two origins immediately cut their connections with the puppet, making the dragon corpse limp down lifelessly. Since the origins cut their connections with the dragon, the corpse returned back to being an actual corpse.

"Abandoning the dragon\'s body to escape?" Jin Rou could easily see through their plan, "Do you think it will be enough to guarantee your lives?"

After which, Jin Rou moved his fingers, locking the entire domain and separating it from the world.

"How is that possible?" Darkglow was stumped. To easily separate this domain from their world would take so much effort than necessary. It was manipulating space to its finest extent, after all. But Jin Rou play with space like it was his toy, what sort of situation was this?

Now with Hera\'s Domain being separated, it\'s more than impossible to escape here unless they defeat Jin Rou.

"I wonder what will be your next move?" Jin Rou smiled and said, "Come, show me your hidden cards. I know it\'s not still your all out effort."

The two origins swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The situation was taking turn for the worst case scenario which they wanted to avoid. Darkglow took a deep breath and asked, "The Mad Ancient Dragon\'s body is now in your possession, we have given it up and we have no plans on retrieving it. I don\'t think there\'s still more to continue this. We will just hurt each other. The world needs great heroes like you, us. We cannot afford the losses."

"You\'re just saying that since you two are origins, it will be a pretty big loss if I kill you right? As a matter of fact, the hatred and condemnation of the masses will be on me since you two are viewed as respected heroes and guardians of the world." Jin Rou laughed.

Jin Rou paused for a moment before continuing, "But the world doesn\'t need people like you, who only go around by gaining something. For doing something out of interest. You killed so many innocent lives that you cannot be pardoned no matter what."

"Life and death is always side by side, young man." Pope Origin intervened, "In battles, it is inevitable to kill some poor believers. But if you think about it on the brighter side, they died helping the world by sacrificing their selves."

"You really think that way? Is that how your bible in your church teach you?" Jin Rou smirked devilishly, "So much for being a Pope that masses blindly believed in. How about I destroy your Church after killing the both of you?"

"Preposterous!" Pope Origin was angered as he shouted at the top of his lungs, "Do you think just because you are stronger, there isn\'t someone who can stop you? Even if I can\'t, our God can!"

"Oh? I would like to meet this God of yours later on." Jin Rou smiled, "But for now, give up you petty lives."

"Boom! Boom!" Suddenly, two explosions popped out, with each of the origin receiving one at the exact same location, shoulders.

"Ah!" The two origins screamed in pain as they felt that the bones in their shoulders broke into pieces. They tried to stop the bleeding yet it was useless.

"It\'s no use, you will just keep bleeding there and you can\'t do anything about it." Jin Rou planted the explosive seals on the origins\' body a while ago when he separated this domain. It was an easy job to do and the other party didn\'t notice it, "I used a special explosive seal for you two. You will just keep bleeding and bleeding until you die. No matter how powerful you are, if your body cannot produce more blood than it loses, you\'re dead."

"Urgh!" Pope Origin\'s white robe was filled with his blood now. He was doing everything to heal this wound yet it was all in vain. It was like a curse that couldn\'t be cured unless they die. His blood didn\'t stop from flowing. If he didn\'t do something about this, he would die.

Darkglow Origin didn\'t fare any better. The heavenlies accompanying them was easily killed by the dark unicorn now so there wasn\'t someone to buy time for them. Little by little, he could feel that his body was getting numb and weak.

Jin Rou watched these two origins dying slowly. There was no cure for this explosive seal. Unless he decided to lift it, it would keep on tormenting the two origins until they die.

The two kept on screaming in pain that made Tired cover her mouth. This scene was too much to take for her and it almost made her vomit.

Lucas was better since he was used to blood and gore like this. Many people also died by his hands so he was used to this kind of sight. The only thing was, he couldn\'t match up Jin Rou\'s method of dealing with enemies.

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