The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 232 C-Tier Talents

Orion also examined their talents more closely. He realized that they were named strength enhancement and speed enhancement.


[Talent Name: Speed Enhancement]

[Tier: C]


[Speed Enhancement is a talent that can be awakened by cultivators. This talent indicates that the cultivator gains the ability to enhance and strengthen their beasts\' speed and agility.]


[Enhanced Speed: With this ability, the cultivator gains the power to greatly enhance their beasts\' speed and agility, allowing them to move with incredible swiftness and maneuverability. This enables the beast to easily dodge attacks, close in on enemies, and retreat quickly if needed.]


[Talent Name: Strength Enhancement]

[Tier: C]


[Strength Enhancement is a talent that can be awakened by cultivators. This talent indicates that the cultivator gains the ability to enhance and strengthen their beasts\' physical abilities.]


[Enhanced Physical Strength: With this ability, the cultivator gains the power to greatly enhance their beasts\' physical strength, enabling them to lift heavy objects, break through barriers, and overpower their enemies with ease.]


As Orion examined the talents of the three disciples, he realized that they were both focused on enhancement. One was focused on strength enhancement, while the other was focused on speed enhancement. It was clear that these talents were only at the C-tier level, which meant that they were not particularly strong.

As the three disciples prepared for battle, they summoned their beasts, which were all Elite Dire Wolves. Orion was not intimidated by their choice of beasts, as he knew that his own Iron Hide Rhinoceros was more than capable of taking them on.

The wolves were sleek and fast, their fur a dark shade of gray that blended in well with the shadows of the forest. They moved with fluid grace, their muscles rippling under their fur as they approached their prey.

Orion watched as the wolves circled around him, their eyes fixed on him and his beast. He could see that they were hungry for a fight, eager to take down their opponent and earn points for their sect. He knew that these wolves stood no chance against him and Atlas.

Orion\'s confidence grew as he looked at the wolves\' status through the system. He knew that Atlas was more than capable of handling them, even without his commands. The wolves were not particularly strong, and their abilities were nothing compared to Atlas.


[Beast Name: Elite Dire Wolf]

[Elements: None]

[Realm: Second-Stage Warrior]

[Tier: D]

[Skills and Abilities:]

[Strong Jaw: The Elite Dire Wolf\'s jaw is incredibly powerful, capable of crushing bones and tearing through flesh with ease. This skill is particularly useful for hunting prey and defending itself against enemies.]

[Strong Claw: The Elite Dire Wolf\'s claws are equally formidable, able to slice through even the toughest materials. These sharp claws allow the beast to climb and grip surfaces, as well as deliver devastating swipes in battle.]

[Enhanced Senses: The Elite Dire Wolf has highly advanced senses, including acute hearing, sight, and smell. This allows it to detect prey from great distances and track them with incredible accuracy. In addition, its keen senses make it difficult for enemies to sneak up on the wolf.]

[Intimidation Howl: The Elite Dire Wolf has a powerful howl that can intimidate and scare off potential threats. This skill is especially useful when the wolf is protecting its territory or asserting dominance over other wolves.]


Orion knew that the three disciples had made a mistake by attacking him. They were underestimating his strength, and they had chosen weak beasts to fight against him. He could sense their fear as they approached him, their wolves growling and snarling at Atlas.

As soon as the Elite Dire Wolves were summoned by the three disciples, they immediately ordered them to attack Atlas. Orion could see the determination in their eyes, and he knew that they would not back down easily.

The disciples shouted commands to their beasts, "Use Strong Jaw and Strong Claw to attack his beast!" The wolves obeyed, charging toward Atlas with fierce determination.

Orion remained calm, issuing orders to his own beast, "Atlas, use Defensive Stance." He knew that Atlas was more than capable of handling the wolves, but he wanted to give them a chance to retreat on their own.

Atlas obeyed his master\'s command, lowering his massive head and bracing himself for the wolves\' attacks. The wolves launched themselves at Atlas, their jaws and claws ready to strike.

As the wolves charged forward with their jaws and claws at the ready, Orion watched calmly as Atlas entered into a defensive stance. He knew that his beast was more than capable of handling these Second-Stage Warrior Realm wolves, even without his commands.

But as the wolves attacked, their tamer began to approach Orion, brandishing a sword. "You will pay for slandering and making fun of us," he snarled.

Orion just laughed and smirked at them. "Slandering and making fun of you? I simply stated the facts about your mediocre talents and beasts. If you can\'t handle the truth, then perhaps you shouldn\'t be out here in the wilderness."

The three disciples were taken aback by Orion\'s calm demeanor and taunts. They had expected him to be afraid and cower before their attacks, but instead, he was mocking them. This only served to fuel their anger and determination to take him down.

As the tamer swung his sword at Orion, the young cultivator sidestepped easily, dodging the attack. "Is that the best you can do?" he taunted, egging the disciple on.

The disciple gritted his teeth in frustration, but before he could launch another attack, Orion\'s beast stepped forward, its massive form towering over the wolves and their tamer. The wolves backed off, sensing the danger that Atlas posed, while the tamer stumbled back, fear in his eyes.

Orion looked at the three disciples and shook his head in disappointment. "Is this really all you\'re capable of? Attacking someone from behind and using underhanded tactics? You call yourselves cultivators, but you have no honor or dignity."

The disciples glared at Orion, their eyes filled with anger and determination. "What do you know?" one of them spat. "We must do anything to reach our goal."

Orion just shook his head in disbelief. He couldn\'t believe that these disciples were willing to resort to such tactics just to get ahead. He looked at them with a mixture of pity and contempt.

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