The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 233 Eyes From Shadow

Orion couldn\'t help but feel a sense of pity toward the three disciples. They were so desperate to get ahead and reach their goals that they were willing to do anything, even resorting to underhanded tactics and attacking him in the forest.

It was clear that they were lacking in true strength and skill, and they were trying to compensate for it by using any means necessary.

Orion couldn\'t help but think about how different he was from them. He had worked hard to get where he was, relying on his own skills and strength. He had always believed that true strength came from within and that hard work and dedication were the keys to success.

As the three disciples charged toward him, one of them yelled out, "Take this, Wolf Fang Strike!" and swung his sword at Orion. The strike was a powerful and swift attack that was designed to tear through flesh and bone.

The Wolf Fang Strike was a basic sword technique that was taught to all disciples of the sect. It involved a quick slashing motion with the sword, followed by a powerful thrust that was aimed at the opponent\'s vital points.

However, it was clear that these disciples had not mastered the technique. Their strikes were clumsy and lacked precision, and they relied solely on brute force to try and overwhelm Orion.

Orion watched as the sword came hurtling towards him, but he was not afraid. In fact, he was almost amused by the disciples\' attempts to defeat him. He calmly caught the sword with one hand, disarming the disciple in one swift move.

The other two disciples looked on in shock and horror as their comrade was left defenseless. Before they could react, Orion had already landed a powerful punch to each of their guts, sending them flying through the air.

As they lay groaning on the ground, Orion looked down at them with a mixture of disgust and amusement. "Is that all you\'ve got?" he taunted. "You might want to go back to your training and work on your skills before you try to take me on again."

The three disciples struggled to get to their feet, their pride wounded by their humiliating defeat. Orion could see the desperation in their eyes, the burning desire to prove themselves and reach their goals. But he knew that they were going about it the wrong way.

Orion looked over at his beast, Atlas, who was still engaged in a fierce battle with the three Elite Dire Wolves. Despite being outnumbered, Atlas had the upper hand in the fight. His massive size and strength were too much for the wolves to handle, and he easily swatted them aside like they were mere toys.

"Atlas, finish them," Orion commanded. With a fierce roar, Atlas charged forward, his massive jaws clamping down on one of the wolves and crushing it in an instant. The other two wolves tried to flee, but Atlas was too quick for them. He pounced on one of them, biting down hard on its neck and snapping it like a twig. The last wolf tried to make a run for it, but Atlas caught up to it quickly, slamming it to the ground with his massive paw.

As the dust settled, Orion walked over to where the three disciples were lying on the ground, writhing in pain. "You see," he said, "true strength doesn\'t come from underhanded tactics or dirty tricks. It comes from hard work, dedication, and a willingness to push yourself to your limits."

The disciples looked up at him; their faces contorted in pain and anger. They knew that Orion was right, but they couldn\'t bring themselves to admit it. Instead, they glared at him with burning hatred, their eyes full of malice.

Orion looked down at them with a mix of pity and disdain. "I have said what needs to be said," he warned them. "But if you are still foolish enough to try and mess with me the next time you see me, I will not show mercy."

The disciples gritted their teeth, but they didn\'t say a word. They knew that Orion was not to be trifled with, and they had learned that lesson the hard way.

With a nod of his head, Orion turned and walked away, leaving the three disciples lying on the ground in defeat. As he walked deeper into the forest, he couldn\'t help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. He had proven himself to be a true warrior, a master of both skill and strength.

As Orion walked away, Aurora emerged from the shadows, a sly smile on her lips. She had been watching the entire battle unfold, and she was impressed by Orion\'s skill and strength. His movements were fluid and precise, and his beast was a true powerhouse.

"It is not bad," Aurora said to herself, "You are very powerful, Orion. But you are still a bit kind if I say for you to spare them this easily." She chuckled to herself, her mind already turning with plans for the future.

Aurora\'s heart was as cold as ice, and her demeanor was often aloof and detached. She had little patience for those who couldn\'t keep up with her sharp mind and quick wit. However, when she found something or someone that piqued her interest, her ambition would take hold, and she would stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

She was a calculated strategist, always analyzing situations and people to determine the best course of action. While her icy demeanor could be intimidating, it was also what made her so effective in achieving her ambitions.

Orion was one such person who had caught her attention. He had displayed an impressive level of strength and skill in the battle against the three disciples, and Aurora was intrigued even more about him.

Aurora looked down at the three disciples, who were now cowering in fear at the sight of her. She couldn\'t help but feel a sense of disgust toward them. They were weak and foolish, and they had no business trying to challenge someone as powerful as Orion.

Without a word, Aurora turned to her beast, the Ice Alpha Wolf. The beast was massive and imposing, with a coat of shimmering white fur that glistened in the sunlight. Aurora had trained it to be a ruthless fighter, and it was more than capable of carrying out her orders.

"Cripple them," she commanded the beast. "They need to know the consequences of attacking Orion."

The Ice Alpha Wolf let out a fierce roar, and the three disciples trembled in fear. They knew that they were no match for the beast, and they braced themselves for the worst.

Aurora watched with a cold detachment as the Ice Alpha Wolf pounced on the disciples, tearing into their flesh with its razor-sharp claws. She felt no remorse for what she was doing; in her mind, it was simply the natural consequence of their foolish actions.

As the screams of the disciples echoed through the forest, Aurora couldn\'t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She had shown them that she was not to be trifled with, and she had also made her presence known to Orion.

With a final glance at the writhing disciples, Aurora turned and disappeared back into the shadows. Her mind was already turning with plans for the future, and she knew that Orion would play a pivotal role in them.

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